Thursday, March 24, 2011

What if you gave up control for Lent?

Martin Smith, one of my favorite Episcopal authors, some 20 years ago wrote a wonderful book called "A Season For the Spirit" to be read during the weeks of Lent. I read it every year because it helps to remind me to clear out all that clutters my insides and to give up control. Only when we do this do we have room for the Spirit to enter. Rather than try to agonize over "giving up" something or "taking on something" he states we are called to surrender control and with that making room for the truth to enter. He says," Truth happens to us when the coverings of illusion are stripped away and what is real emerges into the open."

I have given up various things for Lent, or taken on a new challenge, and am a better person for what I learned and did. But this year I am trying to let go and let God and I am beginning to think it is working for me.